3.0 hours

This workshop will help you understand the types of math experiences that preschoolers should have access to in a preschool classroom. You will learn about number sense, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis.

Creating Your Math Curriculum


Note: Group does NOT mean that a group of people can take the course at the same time. Each person must complete the course independently in his/her own account. “Group” is a way to register someone other than yourself or to purchase more than one of the same course. See note below on registering a staff member. 

Registering a Staff Member?

If you are purchasing a course for someone other than yourself, click the group button above. After purchase, Go to the Start My Course tab and choose “Manage Group Registration.” You will find the course you purchased there and can add the staff member’s name and email address to create their account and give them immediate access to the course. 


Math is something that children do naturally. It can be a struggle to know what types of activities to provide for children to prepare them for Kindergarten. This workshop is designed to give you a background in the types of math experiences that preschoolers should have access to in an early care program. This introductory level workshop will cover the big ideas of mathematics, including number sense, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis.

In this course, we will cover the following topics:

  • Number Sense
  • Measurement
  • Data Analysis
  • Geometry
  • Algebra

Additional information

Approved in the following states:

HI, IN, KY, NC, MI, MN, and OH.