Preschool Course Catalog
High Quality, Engaging Courses

Authentic Assessment
Explore the key principles of assessment in ECE. Learn the purpose of authentic asessment, how to overcome common barriers, and how to use assessment results to create individualized lesson plans for your classroom.

Psychology Behind Behavior
This training is a must have for all teachers and parents of young children. This unique workshop blends the worlds of psychology and early childhood to help you understand why children (and adults) behave the way they do. You'll walk away with practical strategies.
4.5 Hours * $40.00

Teaching to the Brain
We've all heard of teaching to the test, and we all know that this strategy has no long-term success for children. Instead, let's "teach to the brain"...use what we know about how the brain develops to influence what we do in our classrooms. Learn six brain based teaching strategies.
5.0 Hours * $45.00

Equity, Equality, & Diversity
Social Justice in ECE
Learn about the concepts of social justice, privilege, what a single story is, how to avoid it, and how to avoid a tourist-y approach to diversity. Only by understanding all of these concepts can we truly provide an equitable experience for all children.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

The Quest for Empathy
We have to understand empathy in order to help children develop it. This workshop will explore what empathy is, the types of empathy, how it is different from sympathy, roadblocks to empathy, and some classroom strategies to promote empathy.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

Creating Neural Pathways
for Literacy
This workshop explores how the neural pathways for reading are constructed, the role of vocabulary, phonics, and handwriting in reading instruction, and practical strategies for the preschool classroom that support these research findings.