Infant Toddler Course Catalog
High Quality, Engaging Courses

DAP: The What, Why, & How
Learn the critical features of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP). You will explore the history of DAP, why it is important, the role of the teacher, the role of play, and how programs can support families in children in promoting developmentally appropriate practice.
3.0 Hours * $30.00

Psychology Behind Behavior
This training is a must have for all teachers and parents of young children. This unique workshop blends the worlds of psychology and early childhood to help you understand why children (and adults) behave the way they do. You'll walk away with practical strategies.
4.5 Hours * $40.00

Teaching to the Brain
We've all heard of teaching to the test, and we all know that this strategy has no long-term success for children. Instead, let's "teach to the brain"...use what we know about how the brain develops to influence what we do in our classrooms. Learn six brain based teaching strategies.
5.0 Hours * $45.00

The Quest for Empathy
We have to understand empathy in order to help children develop it. This workshop will explore what empathy is, the types of empathy, how it is different from sympathy, roadblocks to empathy, and some classroom strategies to promote empathy.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

Equity, Equality, & Diversity
Social Justice in ECE
Learn about the concepts of social justice, privilege, what a single story is, how to avoid it, and how to avoid a tourist-y approach to diversity. Only by understanding all of these concepts can we truly provide an equitable experience for all children.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

Strategies for Dual Language Learners
Nearly one in three US children live in a household where a language other than English is spoken. Including dual language learners in your classroom can be challenging, particularly when you don't speak the child's home language. Learn strategies to support these learners.
7.5 Hours * $60.00

I Was Born This Way:
Understanding Temperament
Not all children sharing a classroom behave the same way, although they may all be in a similar age group. This workshop will explore the different aspects of temperament and how to use this knowledge in your child care setting to create a goodness of fit.
3.0 Hours * $30.00

Routines & Transitions In Infant Toddler Classroom
Routines and transitions make up much of the curriculum and learning experiences for infants and toddlers. This course will discuss the importance of these components and give you insight into how to make the most of these learning experiences.
3.0 Hours * $30.00

Math & Science
for Infants and Toddlers
Infants and toddlers naturally engage in both math and science activities. Much of math and science for this age group involves our communication. In this class we will look at some foundations for cognitive development and math/science development, and then we will get into specific ideas.
2.5 Hours * $25.00

Infant & Toddler Social Emotional Development
Social emotional development is the foundation for all curriculum for infants and toddlers. Explore these domains of development, strategies for promoting healthy development, primary caregiving, continuity of care, and building positive relationships.
2.5 Hours * $25.00

The Uniqueness of
Infants and Toddlers
Is your infant or toddler classroom structured specifically for that age group, or is it more like a watered-down version of the preschool classrooms in your program? Programming specifically for children from birth to 36 months of age is vital.
2.5 Hours * $25.00

Creative Arts for
Infants and Toddlers
Creativity for young children, specifically including the areas of art, music, and movement for infants and toddlers, not only enhances children's creativity, but also boosts children's ability to analyze, problem solve, and practice fine motor skills.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

Creating Culturally Inclusive Infant Toddler Classrooms
Every family has a unique culture. But what exactly is culture? This course explores the definitions of culture, values, beliefs, and assumptions. Having a strong understanding of these concepts helps to establish a strong foundation for partnerships with families.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

Motor Development for
Infants and Toddlers
Mastering fine and large motor skills are important for children's growth and independence. This course will explore how to create an environment that supports large motor and fine motor development in infant-toddler classrooms and outdoor environments.
2.0 Hours * $20.00

That's Mine! Understanding Infant Toddler Peer Relationships
Infants and toddlers move through many stages of play on the road to social competence. Explore what social competence is and how it develops, how children develop friendships in the early years, and the stages of play.